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HFM-269 Task Group on Physical Employment Standards








RTG-269 (Physical Employment Standards, 2016-2019) completed their final report, summarizing existing military physical employment standards (PES) of the ten participating countries and the methodology and issues related to establishing legally defensible standards.  It was particularly important to consider PES that serve the needs of the whole force today, as more nations open combat roles to women. This will be of great interest to many countries as a well-documented process guide, with summaries of the combined experience of members of this team and with refinements in the ideal process that came out of multinational discussions during the tenure of this panel. The science behind establishing standards for military job specialties and roles was explicitly detailed. Special issues such as PES for return to duty after pregnancy or serious illness or injury were covered. Unresolved issues such as predicting the ability to perform in actual high stress military environments from tests that are typically applied in more controlled environments are presented. Other relatively new issues include PES appropriate to cyber warriors, equitable use of wearable monitoring technologies in PES, and reliability of PES as an indicator of musculoskeletal injury risk. Several thematic presentations at the ICSPP2020 meeting ( in Quebec City in February 2020 will be centered around the themes and conclusions of this RTG.


RTG-269 (Physical Employment Standards, 2016-2019) completed their final report, summarizing existing military physical employment standards (PES) of the ten participating countries and the methodology and issues related to establishing legally defensible standards.  It was particularly important to consider PES that serve the needs of the whole force today, as more nations open combat roles to women.




RTG-269 (Physical Employment Standards, 2016-2019) completed their final report, summarizing existing military physical employment standards (PES) of the ten participating countries and the methodology and issues related to establishing legally defensible standards.  It was particularly important to consider PES that serve the needs of the whole force today, as more nations open combat roles to women. This will be of great interest to many countries as a well-documented process guide, with summaries of the combined experience of members of this team and with refinements in the ideal process that came out of multinational discussions during the tenure of this panel. The science behind establishing standards for military job specialties and roles was explicitly detailed. Special issues such as PES for return to duty after pregnancy or serious illness or injury were covered. Unresolved issues such as predicting the ability to perform in actual high stress military environments from tests that are typically applied in more controlled environments are presented. Other relatively new issues include PES appropriate to cyber warriors, equitable use of wearable monitoring technologies in PES, and reliability of PES as an indicator of musculoskeletal injury risk. Several thematic presentations at the ICSPP2020 meeting ( in Quebec City in February 2020 will be centered around the themes and conclusions of this RTG.


Created at 22/07/2019 14:31 by RODES Herve (Mr)
Last modified at 22/07/2019 14:31 by RODES Herve (Mr)