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Big Data Challenges: Situation Awareness and Decision Support: Now Published

There are many Research Task Groups (RTGs) and Exploratory Teams (ETs) under the six different NATO Panels and the NATO Modelling and Simulation Group (NMSG) all working on different aspects of defence, military and intelligence challenges, such as big data exploration, decision support, mission planning, human factors, medicine, modelling and simulation and visual analytics.

Last Fall, the IST-178 Research Workshop on "Big Data Challenges: Situation Awareness and Decision Support" invited members of the different RTGs and ETs to participate in a workshop that would enable them to explore and benefit from each other’s work, and to develop collaborations to complement and enhance their respective efforts, as well as facilitating the sharing of data, tasks and tools.

Reflected in the Executive Summary, "the workshop addressed, in particular, how the availability of big data may assist the military in understanding the situations they encounter and will encounter, and how this may support them in making better decisions. The workshop call elicited a large number of paper submissions which we down selected by peer review. The workshop was extremely well attended by members of the different RTGs and ETs as well as IST panel members (approximately 100 participants from across the NATO and Partner for Peace countries). In addition to presentation and demonstration sessions, a core aspect of the workshop was a series of break-out sessions in which sub-groups of attendees worked together on selected topics (enabling participants to explore and benefit from each other’s expertise, their work as well as to generate new ideas)", described by the Workshop's Programme Committee Chair, Dr. Margaret Varga.

The publication of all papers selected for presentation during the Workshop has been concluded. From "Ukrainian Conflict in Media: Two Approaches to Narrative Analysis" and "Microbial Genomic Data Analysis for Infectious Diseases" to "Assessment of IoT Data Ingest Reliability for Urban Environments" and "Extracting Value from Nato Data Sets through Machine Learning and Advanced Data Analytics", you may find all papers at

The IST-178 Research Workshop on "Big Data Challenges: Situation Awareness and Decision Support" took place on 15 and 16 October 2019, in Budapest, Hungary. 

For further information, please contact the IST Panel Office. ​

Published by IST