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Activity title

Side-Attack Threat Detection Strategies, Technologies and Techniques

Activity Reference




Security Classification



Awaiting Publication

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End date



data processing, detection, Explosively Formed Penetrator (EFP), Improvised Explosive Device (IED), off-route, route clearance, sensors, Side attack


Convoy ambush along routes with side-attack mines and weapons such as conventional and improvised Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs) can be extremely lethal to modern forces. Their use is not limited to ground vehicles generally along routes and urban settings. Their detection is difficult and several attempts at devising robust detection technologies have not prevailed. No previous STO activity has been identified as being a focus directed activity, though several detection technologies investigated in demonstrations and tests by the SCI-193 and SCI-256 Task Groups have an application for detecting side-attack weapons such as EFPs. SCI-286 “Technology Roadmaps Towards Standoff Detection in Route Clearance” is complementary and non-duplicative activity to the proposed SET Task Group. Capability solutions are consistent with the NATO military Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) missions, i.e., Long Term Aspects LTA.2011.16 and the Defence Against Terrorism DAT #4


The objectives for the Technical Team are to broadly identify current capability gaps in detection technologies and identify promising technologies that address detection of side-attack weapons in the context of route clearance operations. The creation of a few plausible scenarios definitions, (expanding route clearance into road sides) leveraging NATO STO SCI-256 ‘Route Threat Detection and Clearance Technologies’, SCI-ET-011 (Technology Roadmaps for Future Route Clearance Capability) and liaison with military stakeholders increases the validity and utility of potential strategies, technologies and techniques. The Technical Team will establish threat definition(s), produce threat design(s) for reference target (surrogate) fabrication and to include these surrogates in subsequent national data collections and report findings.


Exchange views and perspectives concerning roadside or side-attack and off-route threats and situations where the threat is likely to negatively affect the alliance; develop an understanding of the scope and classification of off-route explosive hazard threats; share relevant information and current detection and mitigation technology research programs and their objectives and results (platforms, sensors and algorithmic techniques). The Technical Team will consider data exchange and experiment schedule for technology application and workshop [joint military & S&T to understand the off-route threat] (Panel presentation, round table, military presentations on how they address and define side-attack threat).

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