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Activity title

Expanded Countermeasure Methods against IR Anti-Ship Threats in Varied Parameter and Scenario Engagements Using all-digital Tools Sets

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Active countermeasure, Antiship missile, Countermeasure, Decoy, Electrooptical, Flare, Infrared, Laser, Modeling, Passive decoy, Simulation, Visible


The all-digital modeling strategy of evaluating tracking algorithms was investigated by several NATO Partner nations in STO SCI 224 in order to discover trends in both increasingly complex algorithms as well as varying modeled environments. This was done by agreeing upon a generic engagement and all its supporting parameters including threat, target and scenario. Once the group’s stated goals and objectives had been narrowly focused work shifted towards model development and conducting run analysis. Even with this sharpened approach, the group’s period of performance had to be extended by a year to allow the team to complete its work. This comprehensive single engagement analysis raised several questions and directions for future study. At the end of the period of performance of this group, one of its data collection goals was met at AWWCG’s Naval ElectroMagnetic Operational (NEMO) Trials, held in 2016 in Andoya, Norway. This was one of the largest NATO EW trials in fifteen years. SCI 224’s goal was to use the USA Lear Jet with NRL’s programmable EO/IR pod to fly a set of runs against an unclassified target firing unclassified red phosphorus decoy to collect data for future validation work. As many of the generic 224 parameters were followed, the engagement was also replicated from stationary shore based units, including the shore based version of NRL’s pod system. This data collection opportunity was intended to be available for future use by member nations.


The main purpose of the group will be to perform advanced modeling and simulation runs of both EO and IR threats and to include passive only, active only and passive/active scenarios. Some group members will incorporate the use of Ship IR and its threat algorithm plugin capabilities. Some group members will focus on collection efforts. The group will follow the common generic engagement followed by more nation selected variances. The group will also conduct survey tours to universities and industry sites organized by the member nations to further define future parameters, identify new sensor technologies and ongoing research modeling efforts.


Define advanced and expanded scenarios to be modeled to include varying climatic regions, ship settings and countermeasures. Using a common simulation environment (Ship IR with national algorithm plugged into this tool), compare and contrast the defined generic first set of runs in an apples-to-apples comparison. Details of the national algorithms would not be distributed - just the results of the runs. Collect data at future field test(s) to both test algorithms developed from modeling as well as expand the analysis on past and current work.

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