Activity: Cyber Defence Situational Awareness

ACTIVITY_TITLE: Cyber Defence Situational Awareness
START_DATE: 01/01/2013
END_DATE: 01/12/2016
KEYWORDS: Metrics; Resiliency; Mission Assurance; Dynamic Risk Assessment; Cyber Defence; Situational Awareness; Continuous Monitoring; Cyber Defence Visualization
BACKGROUND: A Cyber Defence Situational Awareness (CDSA) capability is an emerging, urgent need across nations. NATO 20201 states that NATO must “accelerate efforts to respond the danger of cyber-attacks by protecting its own communications and command systems, helping Allies to improve their ability to prevent and recover from attacks, and developing an array of cyber defence capabilities aimed at effective detection deterrence.” Cyber defence situational awareness plays a vital part in this requirement. The IST-081 Coalition Network Defence Common Operational Picture RTO Task Group (RTG) identified areas within this domain that require further research including situational awareness metrics, visualization and mission assurance. In addition, several nations are developing CDSA tools, techniques and technologies, and are at the point where they could leverage each other’s efforts through international collaboration. These factors indicate a timely opportunity for international collaboration, thus it is recommended to create a new RTO Task Group (RTG) that addresses related research and technological issues in the area of CDSA.
OBJECTIVES: The primary objective is to collaborate to advance research and technology in cyber defence situational awareness as a step towards developing and refining related metrics, standards, visualizations and mission assurance practices. Ultimately, the results would influence NATO and the supporting nation’s development of CDSA techniques, technologies and procedures. CDSA requires the integration and merging of topics including continuous monitoring, dynamic risk assessment, resiliency, metrics, and visualization. The task group will bring together subject matter experts in these areas to enhance collaboration, coordination and understanding of the factors, techniques, requirements and issues surrounding cyber defence situational awareness.
TOPICS: Effective Cyber Defence Situational Awareness requires the integration of multiple components including metrics, dynamic risk assessment, mission assurance and visualization. The task group will review the state of the art and address these focus areas. •
Hyperlink: tbd

Created at 01/10/2014 10:15 by System Account
Last modified at 02/11/2014 16:24 by System Account
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