NationalTwo: Analysis of the Canadian Forces College Annual Staff Survey

Title: Analysis of the Canadian Forces College Annual Staff Survey
Identifier: DRDC-CORA-TN-2008-050
STOAbstractExternal: Feedback is an important enabler for examining an organization's activities. Annually, a survey is administered to staff at Canadian Forces College (CFC) for this purpose. This publication reports the findings from the CFC survey. A questionnaire comprised of a variety of quantitative rating scales and unstructured questions was administered electronically to staff at the college to gain information on organizational performance and provide recommendations for advancement of the college work environment. A description of the survey tool and the methodology is provided along with a detailed report of the qualitative and quantitative findings. Overall, the interpersonal work environment and facilities received positive approval. Suggestions for improvements include the development of a communications strategy, the provision of greater opportunities for career related development, and repairs to be completed to poorly functioning equipment.

STOAuthorExternal: Banko, K.M.
STOClassificationExternal: UNCLASSIFIED
STOPublisher: CAN
Language: English
STOReportSource: ;
Published: 01/11/2008

Created at 09/11/2016 13:10 by System Account
Last modified at 09/11/2016 15:16 by System Account
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