STONewsArchive: Modelling Personnel Flows and Identifying Potential Solutions to Recruiting and Retention Challenges

Title: Modelling Personnel Flows and Identifying Potential Solutions to Recruiting and Retention Challenges
Start_Publishing: 23/02/2021
Panel_Page: SAS
Page_ID: 3793
Main_Body_Multi: Recently NATO Research Task Group (RTG) SAS-128 published its STO Technical Report titled Modelling Personnel Flows and Identifying Potential Solutions to Recruiting and Retention Challenges. The document is a result of the efforts of a multi-national team of experts from Canada, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom, supported by specialists from Czech Republic.

With aging populations, budget pressures and increasing demands on the armed forces, there is a renewed focus on achieving the most efficient force structures in order to fulfil military roles and responsibilities with limited personnel resources. One approach to reach this objective that has been adopted in many countries is to highly integrate military members (Regular Force and Reserve Force) and civilians to deliver the defence mission as the Defence Team. Analogous terms used in various countries are Whole Force Concept, One Defence Team, or Total Defence Workforce.

To achieve this workforce objective, there is a need to develop a better understanding of the nature of the personnel challenges, how to detect them, and how to respond in a manner that is likely to succeed based on evidence. The team pursued two lines of effort in relation to this need, which resulted in two principal deliverables as described in the Technical Report: the ORIGAME simulation software to model the usage of Reserve Forces as a means to mitigate personnel shortages, and an inventory of shortage cases and mitigation strategies that have been used in nations from participating experts. The ORIGAME environment in which the model was developed is owned by Canada. Therefore, the Reserve Force model and the ORIGAME environment are available to other NATO countries, and provide a well-developed and mathematically verified starting point for personnel modelling activities.

This research was overseen by NATO STO’s System Analysis and Studies (SAS) Panel. This Panel is NATO STO’s expert panel for analytical advice that develops and oversees studies, analysis and information exchange activities that explore how operational capability can best be provided and enhanced through the exploitation of new technologies, new forms of organization or new concepts of operation. It comprises of 50 senior scientific representatives from 23 NATO Nations, 2 Partnership for Peace Nations, 1 Global Partner and 3 NATO organizations.

The full report is available, password protected, to representatives from NATO Nations, NATO Organization, and Australia, Finland and Sweden (STO Enhanced Opportunity Partners) from the STO Website. Please contact the SAS Panel Office ( if you like to get more information.

Page_Intro: Recently NATO Research Task Group (RTG) SAS-128 published its STO Technical Report titled Modelling Personnel Flows and Identifying Potential Solutions to Recruiting and Retention Challenges. The document is a result of the efforts of a multi-national team of experts from Canada, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom, supported by specialists from Czech Republic.

HomePageImage: 2021-sas-128.png
HomePageBodyText: Modelling Personnel Flows and Identifying Potential Solutions to Recruiting and Retention ChallengesThe Technical Report STO-TR-SAS-128 on Modelling Personnel Flows and Identifying Potential Solutions to Recruiting and Retention Challenges has been published.

Recently NATO Research Task Group (RTG) SAS-128 published its STO Technical Report titled Modelling Personnel Flows and Identifying Potential Solutions to Recruiting and Retention Challenges. The document is a result of the efforts of a multi-national team of experts from Canada, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom, supported by specialists from Czech Republic.

With aging populations, budget pressures and increasing demands on the armed forces, there is a renewed focus on achieving the most efficient force structures in order to fulfil military roles and responsibilities with limited personnel resources. One approach to reach this objective that has been adopted in many countries is to highly integrate military members (Regular Force and Reserve Force) and civilians to deliver the defence mission as the Defence Team. Analogous terms used in various countries are Whole Force Concept, One Defence Team, or Total Defence Workforce.

To achieve this workforce objective, there is a need to develop a better understanding of the nature of the personnel challenges, how to detect them, and how to respond in a manner that is likely to succeed based on evidence. The team pursued two lines of effort in relation to this need, which resulted in two principal deliverables as described in the Technical Report: the ORIGAME simulation software to model the usage of Reserve Forces as a means to mitigate personnel shortages, and an inventory of shortage cases and mitigation strategies that have been used in nations from participating experts. The ORIGAME environment in which the model was developed is owned by Canada. Therefore, the Reserve Force model and the ORIGAME environment are available to other NATO countries, and provide a well-developed and mathematically verified starting point for personnel modelling activities.

This research was overseen by NATO STO’s System Analysis and Studies (SAS) Panel. This Panel is NATO STO’s expert panel for analytical advice that develops and oversees studies, analysis and information exchange activities that explore how operational capability can best be provided and enhanced through the exploitation of new technologies, new forms of organization or new concepts of operation. It comprises of 50 senior scientific representatives from 23 NATO Nations, 2 Partnership for Peace Nations, 1 Global Partner and 3 NATO organizations.

The full report is available, password protected, to representatives from NATO Nations, NATO Organization, and Australia, Finland and Sweden (STO Enhanced Opportunity Partners) from the STO Website. Please contact the SAS Panel Office if you like to get more information.

Created at 23/02/2021 09:22 by ad.rodes
Last modified at 23/02/2021 09:33 by ad.rodes
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