STONewsArchive: CSO Participation at the Joint Air & Space Power Conference 2021

Title: CSO Participation at the Joint Air & Space Power Conference 2021
Start_Publishing: 17/09/2021
Panel_Page: CSO
Page_ID: 3840
The Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC) hosted its annual conference from 7-9 September 2021 in Essen, Germany. The JAPCC took a remarkable effort to make the conference happen in a physical setting and be in accordance with the national regulations despite the constraints of the pandemic. As a result, a diverse array of high ranking NATO national representatives, as well as NATO military flag officers and political decision makers provided their remarks and fostered discussions on the general theme of “Delivering NATO Air & Space Power at the Speed of Relevance” – amongst them General Tod D. Wolters, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and Mr. Camille Grand, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment.

As representatives of the NATO STO, the CSO Deputy Director Major General (rtd) Philippe Montocchio and the AVT Panel Executive Officer David Klassen participated in the conference. 

During the Panel Discussion on the topic of “Leveraging Emerging Technologies”, Major General (rtd) Montocchio emphasized that the nature of conflicts we will face tomorrow is very likely to be hybrid. Nuclear dissuasion, robust deterrent conventional capabilities, and some kind of interdependence between major powers and alliances of countries, linking in particular their economies, will seriously decrease the risk of direct, massive, devastating military confrontations. Nevertheless, the war of influence to push their strategic advantage will not end, and will take some hybrid forms. It is also very likely that regional conflicts will continue to happen in the most unstable parts of the planet. All these engagements will have in common the complexity of the situations, mixing kinetic and non-kinetic actions, cyber operations, military and non-military destabilizing operations.

The CSO Deputy Director also highlighted that building the situational awareness will be incredibly complex, not due to the lack of information, but due to huge amounts of data that will be available in all domains and all dimensions of conflicts: military, social, economic, religious, historical, geographical, etc. Therefore, data will have an absolutely central role in future Command and Control, making necessary to create new functions in future C2 Centers to collect, verify, store, retrieve, fuse, analyze, give sense (i.e. build knowledge out of data), disseminate, and share data in a multinational and Joint environment, which is going to be a huge challenge for NATO.

More broadly, the technologies that will be involved in the C2 Business will be:


Data Sciences to manage the data,


AI, and when ready, Quantum Computing that will multiply AI potential,


Modelling & Simulation, immersive technologies and Advanced Wargaming to facilitate the understanding of the situation and to develop courses of action,


Space technologies as key enablers,


and finally Cognitive Neurosciences to augment staff and Commanders’ ability to comprehend situations, while allowing them to develop Cognitive Warfare options against the adversary, or to protect themselves against malicious cognitive actions.


Major General (rtd) Montocchio also had the opportunity to exchange with AirCom leadership on the Distributed Synthetic Training (DST) project pushed by the NATO Modeling & Simulation community.

Further information and the meeting proceedings will shortly be available here.


The Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC) hosted its annual conference from 7-9 September 2021 in Essen, Germany. The JAPCC took a remarkable effort to make the conference happen in a physical setting and be in accordance with the national regulations despite the constraints of the pandemic. As a result, a diverse array of high ranking NATO national representatives, as well as NATO military flag officers and political decision makers provided their remarks and fostered discussions on the general theme of “Delivering NATO Air & Space Power at the Speed of Relevance” – amongst them General Tod D. Wolters, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and Mr. Camille Grand, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment. 

HomePageImage: 2021-JAPCC-Meeting.png
HomePageBodyText: The Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC) hosted its annual conference from 7-9 September 2021 in Essen, Germany. The JAPCC took a remarkable effort to make the conference happen in a physical setting and be in accordance with the national regulations despite the constraints of the pandemic. As a result, a diverse array of high ranking NATO national representatives, as well as NATO military flag officers and political decision makers provided their remarks and fostered discussions on the general theme of “Delivering NATO Air & Space Power at the Speed of Relevance” – amongst them General Tod D. Wolters, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and Mr. Camille Grand, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment. 

As representatives of the NATO STO, the CSO Deputy Director Major General (rtd) Philippe Montocchio and the AVT Panel Executive Officer David Klassen participated in the conference. 

During the Panel Discussion on the topic of “Leveraging Emerging Technologies”, Major General (rtd) Montocchio emphasized that the nature of conflicts we will face tomorrow is very likely to be hybrid. Nuclear dissuasion, robust deterrent conventional capabilities, and some kind of interdependence between major powers and alliances of countries, linking in particular their economies, will seriously decrease the risk of direct, massive, devastating military confrontations. Nevertheless, the war of influence to push their strategic advantage will not end, and will take some hybrid forms. It is also very likely that regional conflicts will continue to happen in the most unstable parts of the planet. All these engagements will have in common the complexity of the situations, mixing kinetic and non-kinetic actions, cyber operations, military and non-military destabilizing operations.

The CSO Deputy Director also highlighted that building the situational awareness will be incredibly complex, not due to the lack of information, but due to huge amounts of data that will be available in all domains and all dimensions of conflicts: military, social, economic, religious, historical, geographical, etc. Therefore, data will have an absolutely central role in future Command and Control, making necessary to create new functions in future C2 Centers to collect, verify, store, retrieve, fuse, analyze, give sense (i.e. build knowledge out of data), disseminate, and share data in a multinational and Joint environment, which is going to be a huge challenge for NATO.

More broadly, the technologies that will be involved in the C2 Business will be:


Data Sciences to manage the data,


AI, and when ready, Quantum Computing that will multiply AI potential,


Modelling & Simulation, immersive technologies and Advanced Wargaming to facilitate the understanding of the situation and to develop courses of action,


Space technologies as key enablers,


and finally Cognitive Neurosciences to augment staff and Commanders’ ability to comprehend situations, while allowing them to develop Cognitive Warfare options against the adversary, or to protect themselves against malicious cognitive actions.


Major General (rtd) Montocchio also had the opportunity to exchange with AirCom leadership on the Distributed Synthetic Training (DST) project pushed by the NATO Modeling & Simulation community.

Further information and the meeting proceedings will shortly be available here.

Created at 16/09/2021 15:34 by ad.rodes
Last modified at 22/09/2021 14:56 by ad.rodes
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