STONewsArchive: NATO at 360°: Business and development opportunities

Title: NATO at 360°: Business and development opportunities
Start_Publishing: 06/04/2022
Panel_Page: STO
Page_ID: 3872
Main_Body_Multi: On the 73rd anniversary of NATO’s foundation, 4 April, IDD Portugal Defence promoted an online event “NATO at 360°: Business and development opportunities” where it brought together different actors ranging from NATO to academia, industry and government entities. Scope of the event focused on future partnerships that can empower the defence economy ecosystem in the Alliance. Four panel discussions consisted of different presentations and Q&A where some of the above-mentioned actors had the chance to address their mechanisms, priorities, and future perspectives with impact on this ecosystem.

The NATO Chief Scientist, Dr Bryan Wells, gave an overview of the Science & Technology Organization (STO) by highlighting the tremendous work of over 5,000 scientists, engineers and analysts, which ensures that NATO maintains its military and the technological edge; he also addressed the involvement of Industry in the STO business as well as the possibilities for participation.

For summary and video recording of the event, please click this link.

Page_Intro: On the 73rd anniversary of NATO’s foundation, 4 April, IDD Portugal Defence promoted an online event “NATO at 360°: Business and development opportunities” where it brought together different actors ranging from NATO to academia, industry and government entities. Scope of the event focused on future partnerships that can empower the defence economy ecosystem in the Alliance. Four panel discussions consisted of different presentations and Q&A where some of the above-mentioned actors had the chance to address their mechanisms, priorities, and future perspectives with impact on this ecosystem.

HomePageImage: 2022-Dr-Bryan-Wells.jpeg
HomePageBodyText: On the 73rd anniversary of NATO’s foundation, 4 April, IDD Portugal Defence promoted an online event “NATO at 360°: Business and development opportunities” where it brought together different actors ranging from NATO to academia, industry and government entities. Scope of the event focused on future partnerships that can empower the defence economy ecosystem in the Alliance. Four panel discussions consisted of different presentations and Q&A where some of the above-mentioned actors had the chance to address their mechanisms, priorities, and future perspectives with impact on this ecosystem.

The NATO Chief Scientist, Dr Bryan Wells, gave an overview of the Science & Technology Organization (STO) by highlighting the tremendous work of over 5,000 scientists, engineers and analysts, which ensures that NATO maintains its military and the technological edge; he also addressed the involvement of Industry in the STO business as well as the possibilities for participation.

For summary and video recording of the event, please click this link.

Created at 06/04/2022 14:37 by ad.rodes
Last modified at 06/04/2022 14:58 by ad.rodes
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