STONewsArchive: Maritime Science and Technology Experts Committee (MSTC) awards a young scientist

Title: Maritime Science and Technology Experts Committee (MSTC) awards a young scientist
Start_Publishing: 25/10/2022
Panel_Page: STO
Page_ID: 3890
Main_Body_Multi: On the 21st of October, the NATO Maritime Science and Technology Experts Committee (MSTC) awarded Dr Enrica d’Afflisio with the Early Career Award  that aims to recognise the achievements of early career scientists, engineers, and technologists working within or in collaboration with the NATO STO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) in delivering high quality S&T to the benefit of NATO.


The MSTC was thoroughly impressed by the research and dedication of all the finalists working in close cooperation with the CMRE and applauds the high quality S&T delivery to the benefit of the Alliance, also highlighting the important role they play for their Nations and Organizations they represent.


This year’s recipient of the Early Career Award, Dr Enrica d’Afflisio, working at CMRE, has achieved excellence “in innovative statistical solutions to enhance maritime situational awareness, developing novel maritime anomaly detection strategies with effective evidence in real-data world applications”.


Young Scientists have always been a focus of attention for STO in order to ensure that the alliance continues to have access to the very latest in scientific developments, and in scientific thought. Their contribution plays a key role in shaping NATO’s technological edge into the next decades.

Page_Intro: On the 21st of October, the NATO Maritime Science and Technology Experts Committee (MSTC) awarded Dr Enrica d’Afflisio with the Early Career Award  that aims to recognise the achievements of early career scientists, engineers, and technologists working within or in collaboration with the NATO STO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) in delivering high quality S&T to the benefit of NATO.

HomePageImage: 2022-CMRE-Enrica-d-Afflisio-home.png
HomePageBodyText: Dr Enrica d’Afflisio, STO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation


On the 21st of October, the NATO Maritime Science and Technology Experts Committee (MSTC) awarded Dr Enrica d’Afflisio with the Early Career Award  that aims to recognise the achievements of early career scientists, engineers, and technologists working within or in collaboration with the NATO STO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) in delivering high quality S&T to the benefit of NATO.


The MSTC was thoroughly impressed by the research and dedication of all the finalists working in close cooperation with the CMRE and applauds the high quality S&T delivery to the benefit of the Alliance, also highlighting the important role they play for their Nations and Organizations they represent.


This year’s recipient of the Early Career Award, Dr Enrica d’Afflisio, working at CMRE, has achieved excellence “in innovative statistical solutions to enhance maritime situational awareness, developing novel maritime anomaly detection strategies with effective evidence in real-data world applications”.


Young Scientists have always been a focus of attention for STO in order to ensure that the alliance continues to have access to the very latest in scientific developments, and in scientific thought. Their contribution plays a key role in shaping NATO’s technological edge into the next decades.

Created at 27/10/2022 12:41 by ad.rodes
Last modified at 27/10/2022 14:35 by ad.rodes
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