STONewsArchive: NATO Chief Scientist speaks at European Science Diplomacy Conference

Title: NATO Chief Scientist speaks at European Science Diplomacy Conference
Start_Publishing: 12/01/2024
Panel_Page: STO
Page_ID: 3927
Main_Body_Multi: NATO Chief Scientist Dr Bryan Wells participated in the European Science Diplomacy Conference in Madrid, Spain last month, where he spoke about the importance of NATO/EU relations in science diplomacy.

The conference, held on 18-19 December 2023, brought together scientists and diplomats to discuss the elements that could constitute a future European framework for science diplomacy. The event was organised by the European Commission, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the framework of the Spanish EU Council Presidency.

The conference featured several sessions on regional EU science diplomacy, the new European framework for science diplomacy, and how this framework will develop under the Belgian EU Council Presidency, which began on 1 January 2024.

Experts participated in panel discussions corresponding to the four potential pillars of the future European science diplomacy:

Using science diplomacy strategically to tackle geopolitical challenges in a fragmented, multipolar world;
Making European diplomacy more strategic, effective and resilient through scientific evidence and foresight;
Strengthening science diplomacy in delegation and embassies, and fostering the EU’s global science diplomacy outreach; and
Building capacity for European science diplomacy.

“NATO/EU relations are important in science diplomacy,” Dr Wells said in remarks delivered during the first panel. “The 2023 NATO/EU Joint Declaration calls for even closer co-operation in the field of emerging and disruptive technologies, and science diplomacy should be seen as part of this co-operation.”

Page_Intro: NATO Chief Scientist Dr Bryan Wells participated in the European Science Diplomacy Conference in Madrid, Spain last month, where he spoke about the importance of NATO/EU relations in science diplomacy.

HomePageImage: 20240112_UU_IKM-Euro-Science-Diplomacy-Conference.jpg

NATO Chief Scientist Dr Bryan Wells participated in the European Science Diplomacy Conference in Madrid, Spain last month, where he spoke about the importance of NATO/EU relations in science diplomacy.

The conference, held on 18-19 December 2023, brought together scientists and diplomats to discuss the elements that could constitute a future European framework for science diplomacy. The event was organised by the European Commission, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the framework of the Spanish EU Council Presidency.

The conference featured several sessions on regional EU science diplomacy, the new European framework for science diplomacy, and how this framework will develop under the Belgian EU Council Presidency, which began on 1 January 2024.

Experts participated in panel discussions corresponding to the four potential pillars of the future European science diplomacy:

Using science diplomacy strategically to tackle geopolitical challenges in a fragmented, multipolar world;
Making European diplomacy more strategic, effective and resilient through scientific evidence and foresight;
Strengthening science diplomacy in delegation and embassies, and fostering the EU’s global science diplomacy outreach; and
Building capacity for European science diplomacy.

“NATO/EU relations are important in science diplomacy,” Dr Wells said in remarks delivered during the first panel. “The 2023 NATO/EU Joint Declaration calls for even closer co-operation in the field of emerging and disruptive technologies, and science diplomacy should be seen as part of this co-operation.”

Created at 12/01/2024 15:39 by ad.rodes
Last modified at 12/01/2024 15:42 by ad.rodes
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