STONewsArchive: NATO Chief Scientist participates in debate on sustainable transformation

Title: NATO Chief Scientist participates in debate on sustainable transformation
Start_Publishing: 28/02/2024
Panel_Page: STO
Page_ID: 3933
Main_Body_Multi: Dr Bryan Wells, NATO Chief Scientist, participated in a roundtable debate on the importance of collaboration across universities this month, as part of an event organised by the Transform4Europe (T4EU) Alliance, an alliance of European universities. The debate was held on 21 February at the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium.


T4EU leverages the knowledge and expertise of 10 European universities to prepare the next generation of students facing complex challenges such as climate change, digitalization and societal transformations. Both the NATO STO and T4EU share a commitment to tackling such issues through conducting innovative research, deepening the collective knowledge base, and fostering diversity.

“Scientific research is inherently international, and it progresses best through collaboration,” Dr Wells said in his remarks. “Transform4Europe is playing an important role in bringing students and researchers from across Europe to work together and share their experience”.


The roundtable discussions touched on the role of universities in promoting the sustainable transformation of Europe and beyond, as well as the importance of cooperation with various stakeholders. Discussions also focused on NATO’s principles of responsible use in emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) and the STO collaboration model.

Page_Intro: Dr Bryan Wells, NATO Chief Scientist, participated in a roundtable debate on the importance of collaboration across universities this month, as part of an event organised by the Transform4Europe (T4EU) Alliance, an alliance of European universities. The debate was held on 21 February at the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium.

HomePageImage: img_2928.jpg

Dr Bryan Wells, NATO Chief Scientist, participated in a roundtable debate on the importance of collaboration across universities this month, as part of an event organised by the Transform4Europe (T4EU) Alliance, an alliance of European universities. The debate was held on 21 February at the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium.


T4EU leverages the knowledge and expertise of 10 European universities to prepare the next generation of students facing complex challenges such as climate change, digitalization and societal transformations. Both the NATO STO and T4EU share a commitment to tackling such issues through conducting innovative research, deepening the collective knowledge base, and fostering diversity.

“Scientific research is inherently international, and it progresses best through collaboration,” Dr Wells said in his remarks. “Transform4Europe is playing an important role in bringing students and researchers from across Europe to work together and share their experience”.


The roundtable discussions touched on the role of universities in promoting the sustainable transformation of Europe and beyond, as well as the importance of cooperation with various stakeholders. Discussions also focused on NATO’s principles of responsible use in emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) and the STO collaboration model.

Created at 28/02/2024 16:59 by ad.rodes
Last modified at 28/02/2024 17:01 by ad.rodes
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