STO-Activities: (no title)

Activity title: Sequencing for Environmental Aerosol Background Monitoring
Activity Reference: SET-HFM-328
Panel: SET
Security Classification: NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Status: Active
Activity type: RTG
Start date: 2023-11-14T00:00:00Z
Actual End date: 2026-11-14T00:00:00Z
Keywords: environmental bioaerosol monitoring, HFM, pathogens, sequencing, SET
Background: Reliable and relatively fast methods for detection of harmful biological microorganisms in complex matrices are becoming more readily available both commercially and through S&T defense activities. However, new pathogens and variants of known pathogens constantly emerge in new areas as a result of global transport, climate change and other anthropogenic impacts on the environment as well as natural evolutionary processes. In addition, biotechnological advances such as the CRISPR technique have made it much easier to modify microorganisms, potentially making them more harmful or changing them in ways that negatively impact traditional identification techniques. Sequencing can be used to identify any biological threat, but first, we have to know what’s in the natural background. However, the biological background will change by location, season, time of day, weather, etc. Therefore, broad, global environmental studies are needed. A number of COTS air collectors exist, and the collected samples can be processed and coupled with sequencing.
Objectives: The main focus of this Research Task Group (RTG) is to bring together sequencing experts in the defense community in order to address the challenges associated with environmental bioaerosol monitoring using sequencing approaches. The main areas of focus that will be explored in this RTG are:
1) Collection methods will be examined for commonality
2) Sample preparation methods including nucleic extraction to library preparation with estimated levels of effort and time
3) Comparison of sequencing technologies (e.g. for short, long, and hybrid reads) and recommendations on best use cases
4) Analysis and interpretation of complex samples, including recommendation on metrics and thresholds for improved user-confidence
5) Exploring database requirements and database maintenance
Topics: The Topics to be covered in this RTG are:
• Protocols, experience, views, and perspective concerning sequencing air samples
• Best practices for lab versus field-ready solutions
• Technology readiness levels
• Scenarios that could be addressed by those technologies
• Determine the performance and the weakness of the technologies under investigation
• Characterization and mapping of the natural bioaerosol background
• Metagenomic bioinformatics analysis with species (and sometimes strain) level resolution
The above list is not inclusive and as discussions and work commence, we fully expect additional topics to be addressed along with considerations for data exchanges and experimentation schedules will be developed.

Created at 25/04/2023 17:00 by System Account
Last modified at 16/05/2024 21:00 by System Account
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