STO-Activities: (no title)

Activity title: Scientific Support to NATO Navy Armaments Group (NNAG) above Water Warfare Capability Group
Activity Reference: SCI-360
Panel: SCI
Security Classification: Other
Status: Planning
Activity type: RTG
Start date: 2023-09-01T00:00:00Z
Actual End date: 2026-09-01T00:00:00Z
Keywords: Command and Control, Counter Terrorism, Countermeasures, Data Links, Databases, ECM, Electronic Warfare, EO, EOB, EPM, ESM, Interoperability, IR, Joint Operations, Littoral, Navigational Warfare, Sensors, SIGINT, Situation Awareness
Background: Control and Control and exploitation of the electromagnetic spectrum has become as much a part of modern warfare as air superiority or dominance of the sea lanes. Electronic Warfare (EW) is the mission area responsible for establishing and maintaining a favourable ‘position’ of own military entities in the electromagnetic domain (ESM, ECM and EA), a domain in which the applications and systems utilizing it are increasing with accelerating speed. This TG follows from the work of SCI-358 and SCI-320.
Objectives: The objective of the projected TG is to couple and interface with the AWWCG by providing a visible assessment of capabilities, shortfalls and resolution paths. The TG will provide scientific support for the NEMO trials, and/or AWWCG Workshops, by adopting elements of the scientific method to permit more control over objectives and trial activity from year to year.
Topics: - Future threats: Identify targeting mechanisms; Identify trajectories; Identify seeker mechanisms, including ECCM; Identify and verify counter measure options and tactics, including left-of-launch ECM.
- Enabling EW (Electronic Attack) concept development.
- Joint and/or collaborative EW concept development and validation (e.g. via combined NNAG-AWWCG – NAFAG-AG3 trials)
- Force) ASMD simulation and modelling; model validation across the NATO nations.
- (Force) EW tactical decision aid validation during field trials.
- Set platform signature requirements in association with SET-269 RTG (EO/IR) and SET-295 RTG (Radar); Investigate impact of active RF emission signatures.
- Provide technical or scientific advice for specific related topics, e.g. NASMDEF (NATO Anti-Ship Missile Defence Evaluation Facility), and/or specific NIAG EW-related studies.
- Identify areas of research for study groups (STO studies) e.g. Enabling EW

Created at 15/05/2023 17:00 by System Account
Last modified at 16/05/2024 07:00 by System Account
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