STO-Activities: (no title)

Activity title: Development of a STANREC for Augmented Reality in Land Platforms
Activity Reference: AVT-IST-398
Panel: AVT
Security Classification: NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Status: Active
Activity type: RTG
Start date: 2023-09-01T00:00:00Z
Actual End date: 2026-09-01T00:00:00Z
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Controllability, Human Factors, Integration, Land Platforms, NGVA, RAS, Situational Awareness, Symbology
Background: Augmented Reality (AR) is a proven feasible1 technology to improve Situational Awareness (SA) as has been demonstrated during the NATO AVT 334 Cooperative Demonstration of Technology (CDT) from 2019-2022. This work showcased that AR can deliver enhanced SA across different roles within Land Platforms.
The CDT initially focussed on synthetic environment experimentation and evaluation, progressing to full vehicle integration in the DEU Boxer platform. This work enabled the initial symbology set to be refined and the integration challenges to be understood. The integration activity highlighted that there is further work that needs to be conducted related to the vehicle architecture, data models, data exchange, and interoperability challenges.
The symbology implemented within the CDT only focussed on three specific use cases: Blue Force Tracking, Red Force Tracking, and Wayfinding. This symbology set now needs further expansion to include other roles and tasks that military users are expected to perform during missions and training. It became clear that industry also needs to play an active part in the future development of symbology and integration into land platforms.
Given that the development and integration of AR will be conducted in collaboration with industry, the provision of a comprehensive requirement set (including key user and system level requirements) is needed to ensure that NATO nations have interoperability with one another in the development and implementation of these systems.
Objectives: The objective for this RTG is to increase the maturity and interoperability of AR systems within land platforms in order to improve SA for the military end users, to provide the foundation for industry implementation and to increase the supporting evidence base for AR systems.
Topics: The scientific topics and challenges are diverse. One considers assessing the operational and tactical military benefits, whilst others consider the enabling scientific topics such as human machine interaction, measurability, related technologies (e.g. communication, architecture, data modules, interface definitions, data exchange standards, etc.) and feasibility/time frame challenges.

Created at 08/06/2023 16:00 by System Account
Last modified at 16/05/2024 19:01 by System Account
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