STO-Activities: (no title)

Activity title: Artificially Intelligent Military Situational Awareness
Activity Reference: SET-336
Panel: SET
Security Classification: NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Status: Planning
Activity type: RLS
Start date: 2024-03-21T00:00:00Z
Actual End date: 2025-11-20T00:00:00Z
Keywords: combinatorial optimization, modelbased data driven AI, multiple sensor data fusion, probabilistic reasoning decision making, SET
Background: The recently completed von Kármán Horizon Scan on Artificial Intelligence (AI), commissioned by the STB, has brought together leading computer scientists and engineers from Allied and Partner nations. What emerged was an overview of possible future AI-enabled systems to fulfil NATO’s mission more effectively, including in decision support and information harvesting. The Lecture Series aims to share these insights in combination with in-depth lectures on related topics with defence planners, military end-users drafting requirements, managers of AI-related defence projects, and defence systems engineers.
Objectives: There is an increasing need to provide technically sound tutorials on the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of AI-based military situational awareness and decision making. The main objective of the proposed RLS is to disseminate the existing knowledge on sophisticated AI algorithms, the driving forces of mature data fusion engines. An equally important objective is encouragement of further R&D on Defence AI that is focused on the need of NATO’s missions and lessons learned.
Topics: Besides data from multiple heterogeneous sensors and non-sensor data sources, the team of international well-recognized lecturers will also discuss the exploitation of context information for designing fusion engines that inherently respond to changing scenario and mission requirements. Two of them have been part of the von Kármán Horizon Scan on AI previously mentioned. Multifunctionality of sensors will be a predominant factor to achieve specialized military goals. Emphasis will also be placed on the problem of data integrity in networked systems. This comprises selected and unclassified Electronic, Counter AI, and Navigation Warfare issues. Advanced AI methods and examples from military use cases cover aspects of probabilistic reasoning, statistical decision making, big/tall/sparse data fusion for tracking, classification, anomaly detection, Bayesian and machine learning, Explainable AI (X-AI), multiple hypothesis and logical analysis, as well as sensor and platform resources management.

Created at 16/10/2023 11:00 by System Account
Last modified at 16/05/2024 11:00 by System Account
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