STO-Activities: (no title)

Activity title: System Qualification and Certification by Analysis
Activity Reference: AVT-407
Panel: AVT
Security Classification: NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Status: Active
Activity type: RWS
Start date: 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z
Actual End date: 2025-12-31T00:00:00Z
Keywords: Certification – Qualification – Modeling and Simulation – Digital Engineering – Systems Engineering – Model Based Systems Engineering
Background: OEMs expend significant effort in demonstrating compliance to governmental requirements that ensure safe operation of equipment for both the military operator and the general public. Currently, much of the compliance to certification regulations is demonstrated through physical experimentation, whether through tests of components and sub-systems in representative laboratory environments or trials of the full system in ‘real-world’ environments. Such experimentation takes significant time and is costly [1]. Moreover, such testing requires the availability of physical hardware before physical experimentation can begin. Over the past two decades there has been a transformation of our ability to represent and simulate the full physical behavior of complex systems driven by advances in Digital Engineering. The use of digital engineering technology to support certification has gained increasing attention from both industry and government. Today, sophisticated analytical capabilities, such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD), computational solid mechanics (CSM) and computational electromagnetics (CEM), are routinely used in design offices. Indeed, in many disciplines computational analysis has either replaced or drastically reduced the use of physical test in the early stages of the product development process. Digital transformation has not been limited to computational physics. Recent developments in model-based systems engineering (MBSE) have transformed our ability to represent and experiment with logical and functional architectures. End-to-end digital threads allow for certification artifacts from requirements, planning, simulation analysis and physical testing, to certification/airworthiness reports to be actively managed and configuration controlled for traceability and consistency throughout the product lifecycle. Virtual and augmented reality allow exploration of human factors before the production of physical hardware. The ubiquitous presence of computational analysis in the early stage of the product lifecycle naturally begs the question ‘Could these analytical tools be used to provide compliance evidence during the certification process?’. Despite the potential of analytical tools to address time and cost constraints, and even the ability to start digital testing ahead of the delivery of physical hardware, there has been a general reluctance to adopt this approach due to a lack of trust in the accuracy of modeling and simulation. This lack of trust exists in both the modeling community itself, where modelers lack the confidence to make high-consequence decisions based on simulation alone, and within the regulatory community, where accepting the credibility of claims made on modeling and simulation evidence alone is challenging. Given the continued pressures on time and cost in the acquisition process, the rapid increase in complexity as systems become more and more interconnected and the emergence of numerous novel technologies for which there is no existing historical certification experience there is a need to understand how modeling and simulation can play a greater role in the certification process through Certification by Analysis (CbA). How can we overcome the low trust for high-consequence safety related decision making? What further developments in in engineering simulation Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) as well as modeling and simulation capabilities are needed? What more should be done to develop confidence in the use of modeling and simulation results as evidence for high-consequence decisions? What additional processes, digital infrastructure and training are required for modeling and simulation generated evidence to be credible in the eyes of the regulator. The proposed research workshop aims to draw together a group of practitioners to try and establish a community consensus on the challenges we face and how we can solve them.
[1] R. D. Gregg, 2018.
Objectives: This RWS has two main aims:
1. The first aim is to establish a community of interest/community of practice within the NATO STO AVT community around the theme of Certification by Analysis.
2. To exchange knowledge and experience on the challenges of Certification by Analysis
Topics: This RWS would concentrate on the following scientific topics:
• Digital Engineering
• Qualification by Analysis
• Certification by Analysis
• Modeling and Simulation
• Model-Based Engineering
• Model-Based Systems Engineering
• Digital Thread
• Simulation Process Data Management

Created at 24/10/2023 11:00 by System Account
Last modified at 17/05/2024 01:00 by System Account
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