STO-Activities: (no title)

Activity title: EW Challenge Workshop
Activity Reference: SET-SCI-341
Panel: SET
Security Classification: NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Status: Planning
Activity type: RWS
Start date: 2024-06-18T00:00:00Z
Actual End date: 2026-06-18T00:00:00Z
Keywords: Engineering, EW, Mathematics, Science, SET
Background: The development of EW (Electromagnetic Warfare) tools and techniques predominantly requires work to be conducted at higher classification levels. This makes it extremely difficult to engage with academia and benefit from the wealth of expertise from other subject areas that have the potential to contribute to solving EW problems.
Over recent years, GBR has pursued an initiative to involve mathematically skilled academics in fundamental EW research. This initiative has been associated with EW/EME research community building and developing underpinning innovation in EW/EME. The key has been to abstract and declassify identified EW challenges so that they can be addressed at an unclassified level. Workshops are held involving mathematically skilled academics together with a Challenge Partner who has knowledge of the EW challenge. The academic participants are then able to develop potential solutions to the declassified EW challenge whilst the Challenge Partner can provide guidance based on their knowledge of the actual EW application. The GBR initiative has both developed underpinning innovation against EW challenges and stimulated academic engagement in Defence EW research. Noting SQEP (Suitably Qualified and Experienced People) challenges in other nations, it is believed that these outcomes would be broadly beneficial across partner nations. It is postulated that this approach can be extended across STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) communities, but it is proposed that this activity will initially focus on research that is theory-based and mathematical in nature.
The aim of this activity is to extend the GBR approach across NATO. To do this it is proposed that a technical organizing committee is set up. Firstly, this committee will gather, declassify, prioritize, and select challenges from across NATO partners. Secondly, the committee will run a multi-day workshop with academics from across NATO to address the challenges. To aid partner nations in running similar workshops at the national level, the process of generating and declassifying challenges for an academic challenge workshop will be demonstrated throughout and presented in the final workshop.
Objectives: Initially the technical organizing committee will seek input from across NATO nations to capture “generation-after-next” EW challenges (It has been found in the GBR initiative that “Generation-after-next” challenges are most likely to be amenable to abstraction and declassification and therefore the target of this first EW Challenge Workshop). The challenges will then be prioritized and the top 4 will be selected for inclusion in the workshop. At this stage Challenge Partners will be identified for each EW challenge. The GBR initiative could provide a model and best practice for this – i.e. if one of the 4 challenges has interest for multiple nations then that challenge will have multiple partners, one from each of the interested nations – not only does this facilitate national exploitation but it could also spin off further research task groups further downstream.
The scientific objective will be to produce novel scientific approaches to these EW challenges by pulling through ideas from the academic community through a multi-day challenge workshop. For each challenge, the output will be a short report and presentation detailing the proposed approach (or approaches) and recommendations for progressing the idea further.
Topics: The technical organizing committee will identify 4 EW challenge problems that will be addressed at the RWS.

Created at 24/10/2023 14:00 by System Account
Last modified at 16/05/2024 23:00 by System Account
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