STO-Activities: (no title)

Activity title: Validation and Enhancement of the Soldier System Weapon & Equipment Assessment Tool
Activity Reference: SAS-194
Panel: SAS
Security Classification: NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Status: Active
Activity type: RTG
Start date: 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z
Actual End date: 2026-12-31T00:00:00Z
Keywords: Effectiveness, Investment, Metrics, Objective, Operational Readiness, Optimization of Material Acquisition, Small Arm Weapons and Enablers, Soldier System Lethality, Standardization, System Effectiveness, Testing, Training
Background: From 2018 to 2023 the SAS-145 Research Task Group (RTG) explored the requirement to develop a standardized approach to assessing the impact of Soldier, weapon and equipment factors on Soldier Combat effectiveness and efficiency (SCEE). Three primary factors were identified as the main contributors to SCEE: Soldier lethality, mobility and survivability. While each of these factors is often examined in isolation, they are rarely examined in concert, meaning that trade-offs and interdependencies between the factors are difficult to assess. In order to bridge this gap, the RTG set out to develop a standardized Soldier-in-the-loop assessment course that would allow Soldier lethality, mobility and survivability to be examined simultaneously. The resulting Soldier, weapon and equipment assessment tool (SWEAT) is an operationally relevant, live-fire obstacle course designed to assess the three main contributors to SCEE simultaneously.
The proposed Technical Activity builds from the work of SAS-145. The proposed work is foremost a scientific validation of the tool, to confirm that the integrated course can be standardized across different technologies, non-materiel factors, terrains, and testing objectives and yield meaningful and understandable insights. Further, the activity will address issues that were identified in piloting and metrics measures and metrics not fully covered in SAS-145, including targetry tasks, survivability analyses, day and night conditions, and virtual environments. Lastly, the proposed work will expand possible test conditions and refine procedures for rapid adoption across the NATO countries and have this tested in a Field Trial.
Objectives: The study will bring together researchers across disciplines to develop higher fidelity, operationally relevant assessment methodology and metrics. This will enable effective analysis of the performance of Soldier System lethality as a function of non-materiel and materiel combinations.
The tool can be utilized across NATO nations and international partners to assist with requirement generation, testing, assessment of training to:
• Objectively measure and analyse the performance of the dismounted Soldier together with his/her weapon, equipment, ammunition and training;
• Develop a Standard, engagement course (live, virtual, etc.) layout in relevant operational settings – representing the most common current and future NATO Missions;
• Incorporate commercially available targets, data collection hardware, and software;
Topics: Determination of the equipment necessary to provide a repeatable, modular, configurable, scalable, role-based measures of the impact of materiel and non-materiel changes on Soldier System lethality.
Data output to account for shot location, accuracy, engagement time, movement time and body exposure, metrics and measures of effectiveness amongst others.
Metrics may include; X,Y,T shot location, height, type of target hit, weight, time to engage, carried load, time to complete run, training level, heart rate, demographics, body temperature, wind profile downrange, body position, air temperature, range location, range weather conditions, shooter body exposure, weapon orientation, weapon and equipment configuration, NATO Probability of Hit data (D14), Incapacitation (STANREC 4513), and Dismounted Personnel Targets (STANAG 4512).

Created at 07/11/2023 09:00 by System Account
Last modified at 16/05/2024 15:00 by System Account
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