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DMPAR Deployment and Assessment in Military Scenario


The NATO STO Research Task Group SET-258 Deployable Multi-band Passive/Active Radar (DMPAR) Deployment and Assessment in Military Scenarios was initiated after the SET-195 group activity demonstrated the potential of considerably enhancing ground-based radar detection capabilities. After SET-195 ended, several commercial passive radar systems emerged with promising detection capabilities, and the field trial “Active PAssive Radar Trials – Ground-based, Airborne, Sea-borne” (APART-GAS) was held in 2019 in collaboration with NATO SET-242. The outcome of the trials has given insight into the capabilities of modern passive radars in collaboration with the active radars, and insight for NATO forces through the Polish Armed Forces on how to successfully incorporate these data in a real-time air surveillance network where the sensor detections and tracks could be monitored by military personnel. On the basis of the trial data, the SET-258 group members have analyzed the possibilities for collocated and dislocated sensor fusion, explored some of the modern sensor fusion methods like Multi-Hypothesis-Tracking and Track-Before-Detect, methods for mission planning and sensor performance prediction, sensor data transmission protocols, and the future perspectives for DMPAR systems. An effort has been made to prioritize the military user’s point of view, to ensure military relevance and to enable the results can be used for forming operational requirements for DMPAR systems.

STOPublicationTypeTechnical Report RDP
ISBNISBN 978-92-837-2408-7
AccessNATO Unclassified

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