National_Catalogues: Transition Delay in Hypervelocity Boundary Layers by Means of CO2/Acoustic Instability Interactions

Title: Transition Delay in Hypervelocity Boundary Layers by Means of CO2/Acoustic Instability Interactions
Identifier: ADA500717
STOAbstractExternal: A novel method to delay transition in hypervelocity flows over slender bodies by injecting CO2 into the boundary layer of interest is investigated. The results presented here consist of both experimental and computational data. The experimental data was obtained at Caltech's T5 reflected shock tunnel, while the computational data was obtained at the University of Minnesota. The experimental model was a 5 degree sharp cone, chosen because of its relevance to axisymmetric hypersonic vehicle designs and the wealth of experimental and numerical data available for this geometry. The model was instrumented with thermocouples, providing heat transfer measurements from which transition locations were determined and the efficacy of adding CO2 in delaying transition was gauged. For CO2/N2 freestream blends without injection, the transition Reynolds number more than doubled for mixtures with 40% CO2 mole fraction compared to the case of 100% N2. For the cases with injection, shadowgraph visualizations were obtained, allowing verification of the injection timing. The computations provide encouraging results that for the injection schemes proposed CO2 is reaching high enough temperatures to excite vibrational modes and thus delay transition.

STOAuthorExternal: AIR FORCE RESEARCH LAB EDWARDS AFB CA Leyva, Ivett A., Laurence, Stuart, Beierholm, Amy W., Hornung, Hans G., Wagnild, Ross, Candler, Graham
STOClassificationExternal: N
STOKeywordsExternal: BRIEFING CHARTS, WUAFRL23070725
STOPublisher: USA
Language: English
Published: 12/8/2008

Created at 11/9/2016 3:26 PM by System Account
Last modified at 11/9/2016 3:26 PM by System Account
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