STONewsArchive: Emerging and disruptive technologies: Challenges and priorities for the NATO alliance

Title: Emerging and disruptive technologies: Challenges and priorities for the NATO alliance
Start_Publishing: 19/04/2021
Panel_Page: STO
Page_ID: 3807
Main_Body_Multi: On 12 April, NATO Chief Scientist and Science and Technology Board Chairman, Dr Bryan Wells joined the webinar: “Emerging and disruptive technologies: Challenges and priorities for the NATO alliance” hosted by Chatham House.

The webinar discussed how NATO is exploiting new technologies.

Dr Wells illustrated how the Alliance is facing with a growing demand for scientific knowledge, evidence-based advice and technology innovation.

NATO Science & Technology (S&T) supports the Alliance to exploit cooperation, to promote the efficient and effective use of available resources and of emerging disruptive technologies.

The Science and Technology Organization (STO) relying on its network of over 6,000 scientists, engineers and analysts, provides an assessment of emerging or disruptive technologies (EDTs), of their potential impact on NATO military operations, defence capabilities, and political decision space and also of the threats and opportunities presented by EDTs.


Dr Wells highlighted that NATO Secretary General had emphasized the need to maintain NATO technological edge whilst maintaining Alliance values and norms.

Recently STO did a tabletop exercise looking at combinations of technologies against various native scenarios. Two days of exercise and extensive gaming allowed STO to find exactly what areas will be most disruptive against a different scenarios and also what technologies are more used and what are not used in those scenarios. That allowed identification of technologies to prioritize and also technologies that can be combined in a novel manner to create a disruptive effect.

Page_Intro: On 12 April, NATO Chief Scientist and Science and Technology Board Chairman, Dr Bryan Wells joined the webinar: “Emerging and disruptive technologies: Challenges and priorities for the NATO alliance” hosted by Chatham House. The webinar discussed how NATO is exploiting new technologies.

HomePageImage: NATO-ChSc-Landscape.jpg
HomePageBodyText: NATO Chief Scientist at the Chatham House webinar
Dr Bryan Wells, NATO Chief Scientist
On 12 April, NATO Chief Scientist and Science and Technology Board Chairman, Dr Bryan Wells joined the webinar: “Emerging and disruptive technologies: Challenges and priorities for the NATO alliance” hosted by Chatham House.

The webinar discussed how NATO is exploiting new technologies.

Dr Wells illustrated how the Alliance is facing with a growing demand for scientific knowledge, evidence-based advice and technology innovation.

NATO Science & Technology (S&T) supports the Alliance to exploit cooperation, to promote the efficient and effective use of available resources and of emerging disruptive technologies.

The Science and Technology Organization (STO) relying on its network of over 6,000 scientists, engineers and analysts, provides an assessment of emerging or disruptive technologies (EDTs), of their potential impact on NATO military operations, defence capabilities, and political decision space and also of the threats and opportunities presented by EDTs.

Dr Wells highlighted that NATO Secretary General had emphasized the need to maintain NATO technological edge whilst maintaining Alliance values and norms.

Recently STO did a tabletop exercise looking at combinations of technologies against various native scenarios. Two days of exercise and extensive gaming allowed STO to find exactly what areas will be most disruptive against a different scenarios and also what technologies are more used and what are not used in those scenarios. That allowed identification of technologies to prioritize and also technologies that can be combined in a novel manner to create a disruptive effect.

Created at 19/04/2021 09:44 by ad.rodes
Last modified at 20/04/2021 08:54 by ad.rodes
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