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Communicating Uncertainty, Assessing Information Quality and Risk, and Using Structured Techniques in Intelligence Analysis


This document summarizes the presentations that were delivered during the SAS-114 Workshop on Communicating Uncertainty, Assessing Information Quality and Risk, and Using Structured Techniques in Intelligence Analysis. The Workshop, which was hosted by the Danish Defence Intelligence Agency, took place from December 5-7, 2016 at Kastellet in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Workshop brought together a unique mix of scientists, other scholars, and defence intelligence practitioners. As the Workshop’s title indicates, the meeting was oriented around three inter-related themes: the communication of uncertainty, as well as source reliability and information credibility; the use of structured analytic techniques to support intelligence analysis; and the assessment of information quality and risk. The meeting was both stimulating and productive. Perusing the summaries will reveal just how diverse the subject matter was. Yet, the Workshop was characterized by lively discussion, including multiple discussions of how participants could work together in the future to address particular evidence-based challenges. It is anticipated that such plans will continue to fuel SAS-114’s research activities.

STOAuthorExternalDavid R. Mandel
STOPublicationTypeMeeting Proceedings RDP
ISBNISBN 978-92-837-2106-2
AccessOpen Access

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Communicating Uncertainty, Assessing Information Quality and Risk, and  Using Structured Techniques in Intelligence Analysis4/5/2018Open Access
Executive Summary and Synthése 4/5/2018Open Access
Communicating Uncertainty, Assessing Information Quality and Risk, and Using Structured Techniques in Intelligence Analysis - [Report]4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX A - I think it is possible it might be so...Using Lexical Clues to Generate Evidence Weights4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX B - Interpretation of NATO Standards by Non-Native English Speakers4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX C - Update of the SAS‐114 Analysis Working Group on Defence and Security Standards for Uncertainty4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX D - SAS-114 Experiment Update: Effect of Source Reliability, Information Credibility, and Classification Level on Analysts’ Uncertainty about Information Accuracy4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX E - Devil’s Advocacy and Quality Assurance4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX F - Computational Scenarios and Arguments: An AI Approach to Structured Analytic Techniques4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX G - Report on SAS-114 Experiment on Analysis of Competing Hypotheses4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX H - Information Gain and Approaching True Belief4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX I - Optimal Experimental Design Theory, Asymmetric Cost Structures, and the Value of Information4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX J - Measures of Information Usefulness in Target Classification4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX K - Risk Game: Impact of Information Quality on Decision Making4/5/2018Open Access
ANNEX L - Information Systems Continuous Monitoring for Cyber-Security Risk Prioritization4/5/2018Open Access
