The Military Committee

The Military Committee (MC) is responsible for recommending to NATO's political authorities those measures considered necessary for the common defence of the NATO area. Its principal role is to provide direction and advice on military policy and strategy.

It provides guidance on military matters to the Major NATO Commanders whose representatives attend its meetings, and is responsible for the overall conduct of the military affairs of the Alliance under the authority of the Council, as well as for the efficient operation of Military Committee agencies.

The Committee assists in developing overall strategic concepts for the Alliance and prepares an annual long-term assessment of the strength and capabilities of countries and areas posing a risk to NATO's interests. Its additional responsibilities in times of crises, tension or war are to advise the Council and Defence Planning Committee of the military situation and to make recommendations on the use of military force, the implementation of contingency plans and the development of appropriate rules of engagement.

In the framework of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) and Partnership for Peace (PfP), the Military Committee meets regularly with EAPCW Partner countries at the level of national Military Representatives (once a month) and at Chiefs of Defence (CHODS) level (twice a year) to deal with military cooperation issues.